Organizational Testimonials
“Financial Voyages LLC has executed flawlessly since being awarded the contract. Their consistent performance over the past 4 years has made this the highest rated course within the financial management course portfolio.”
“Financial Voyages was very responsive to requests for revised schedules, instructor availability, course materials shipping information, and other issues associated with the [DOD Financial Management Training Program]. They selected the correct instructors for the specific course delivery requirements while maintaining the ability to adjust instructor assignments on short notice in response to schedule changes. Support for rescheduling or adding additional classes was exceptional. Overall, Financial Voyages exhibited effective and efficient training delivery management resulting in successful contract execution.”
Our Client Groups
Diplomacy and Development
Defense | Security
Individual Testimonials
“I learned a lot that I can take and apply to my job”
“Outstanding in content presentation and the instructor was superb.”
“The instructor was great and went above and beyond to answer questions and make the class relevant to our job function.”
“It was a very helpful course. I have a much better understanding of my job! The instructor was phenomenal—she kept everyone’s attention and kept the course practically focused on our day-to-day work, and was very responsive to our questions/needs.”