BCF225 Acquisition Business Management Application Course
BCF225 Acquisition Business Management Application Course
Description: This virtual instructor-led training (VILT) course offers hands-on experience in dealing with common financial issues in acquisition that include cost estimating, earned value management (EVM) analysis; Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution (PPBE); congressional enactment; and budget preparation and execution.
Level: Intermediate
Prerequisite: BCF221—Intermediate Financial Management Concepts
Advance Preparation: N/A
Recommended CPE: 40 CPEs
CPE Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge and Application
Learning Objectives:
At the completion of the course, learners will be able to:
Identify cost-schedule-performance tradeoffs in light of Cost as an Independent Variable (CAIV) given a Capability Production Document (CPD), an Acquisition Program Baseline (APB), an Acquisition Strategy in a team role-play scenario.
Develop a Component Cost Position given a Cost Analysis Requirements Description (CARD), Program Office Estimate (POE), and a Component Cost Analysis (CCA).
Apply escalation indices and basic funding policies to build a program budget given a scenario, program documentation, and an electronic spreadsheet.
Perform impact analysis and prepare responses required to achieve full funding for the program in the Future Years Defense Program (FYDP) given prepared program information (master plan/schedule, program budget, acquisition strategy), Program Issues, and a service's preparation of the Program and Budget submission.
Prepare program budget exhibits for procurement (P-5, P-5A, P-21, P-40 forms) and RDT&E (R-2, R-2a, R-3, and R-4 forms) given program information (master plan/schedule, program budget, acquisition strategy), a service Program Decision, a published budget call letter, Financial Management Regulation (FMR) budget exhibit preparation instructions, current "fact of life" program execution information, and prior-year budget exhibits
Develop responses as required for comptroller/budget analyst advance questions, budget hearings, and Resource Management Decisions (RMDs), given a scenario and prepared program budget exhibits.
Determine the best outcome given various congressional situations.
Evaluate Earned Value Management (EVM) information to program performance, trend analysis, budget impact, and program documentation given a scenario, program documentation, cost data, and computer support.
Prepare a request for reprogramming given a scenario and funds management documentation.
Assess program execution funds status given a scenario, funds management documentation, and /or reports.
Assess the impact of expired and canceled funds given a scenario.
Assess the propriety of funds given a scenario.
Additional Information: Refund for courses sold for a fee/Cancellation Policy 30 days prior to the start of the course. Registration; Schedule; Complaint resolution policy available upon request. Students must meet prescribed mastery standards by achieving 80% or higher on all assessments and/or 80% or higher on the weighted measure of all coursework.