BCF225 Acquisition Business Management Application, 25-29 Oct 2021
BCF225 Acquisition Business Management Application, 25-29 Oct 2021
Join this virtual instructor-led training (VILT) course that offers hands-on experience in dealing with common financial issues in an acquisition that include cost estimating; earned value management (EVM) analysis; Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution (PPBE); congressional enactment; and budget preparation and execution.
Target Audience: This course is for intermediate-level personnel in positions supporting DoD weapons systems and various aspects of business and financial management throughout the life cycle of a system.
Prerequisite(s): Required: BCF 221, Intermediate Financial Management Concepts
Duration: 5 days
Learning Objectives
■ Identify cost-schedule-performance tradeoffs in light of Cost as an Independent Variable (CAIV) given a Capability Production Document (CPD), an Acquisition Program Baseline (APB), and Acquisition Strategy in a team role-play scenario.
■ Develop a Component Cost Position given a Cost Analysis Requirements Description (CARD), Program Office Estimate (POE), and a Component Cost Analysis (CCA).
■ Apply escalation indices and basic funding policies to build a program budget given a scenario, program documentation, and an electronic spreadsheet.
■ Perform impact analysis and prepare responses required to achieve full funding for the program in the Future Years Defense Program (FYDP) given prepared program information (master plan/schedule, program budget, acquisition strategy), Program Issues and a service's preparation of the Program and Budget submission.
■ Prepare program budget exhibits for procurement (P-5, P-5A, P-21, P-40 forms) and RDT&E (R-2, R-2a, R-3 and R-4 forms) given program information (master plan/schedule, program budget, acquisition strategy), a service Program Decision, a published budget call letter, Financial Management Regulation (FMR) budget exhibit preparation instructions, current "fact of life" program execution information, and prior year budget exhibits
■ Develop responses as required for comptroller/budget analyst advance questions, budget hearings, and Resource Management Decisions (RMDs), given a scenario and prepared program budget exhibits.
■ Determine the best outcome given various congressional situations.
■ Evaluate Earned Value Management (EVM) information to program performance, trend analysis, budget impact, and program documentation given a scenario, program documentation, cost data, and computer support.
■ Prepare a request for reprogramming given a scenario and funds management documentation.
■ Assess program execution funds status given a scenario, funds management documentation, and /or reports.
■ Assess the impact of expired and canceled funds given a scenario
■ Assess the propriety of funds given a scenario.